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Konu: Avrupa`da Yilin Transferleri

  1. #1
    The Londoner - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Biraz once Juventus futbol kulubu Arsenal`dan Patric Vieira`yi 20 Milyon Euro karsiliginda (bonservis) transfer ettigini acikladi. Arsenal kulbu de bu aciklamayi dogruladi. Boylece, durgun giden transfer borsasi hareketlenmis oldu. Vieria`nin 29 yasinda oldugunu da ilave edelim.

    Robinho, Essien ve Gilardino`da bu yil transferin diger gozdeleri. Robinho Real`le, Essien Chelsea ile Gilardino ise Milan`la gorusme halinde. Bakalim neler olacak?Edited by: The Londoner

  2. #2
    TSunami - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    asil yilin transfer bombasini celtic patlatti. zurawski[img]smileys/smiley36.gif[/img][img]smileys/smiley36.gif[/img][img]smileys/smiley36.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    The Londoner - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Ingiliz futbolunun genc yildizlarindan Shaun Wright-Philips 36 Milyon Dolar bonservis karsiliginda Manchester City`den Chelsea`ye transfer oldu.

    Kendisi 90`larda Arsenal`in efsane golcusu olan Ian Wright`in evlatligi. Wright-Philips genellikle sah acik oynuyor ve David Beckham`dan sonra milli takimda sag kanatin en onemli adayi olarak goruluyor.

  4. #4
    Harun-61 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    chelsea aliyorda aliyor, fransan'in le havre takimindanda birisini almi$lar.

    bir ba$ka transfer daha: Milan'in danimarkali oyuncusu Tomassson seneye Stuttgart (almanya) da oynayacak.

  5. #5
    Egemen - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    ah ulen su tomassonu biz alsaydik

    bayiliyorum oyun sitiline..

  6. #6
    #10 Fietra - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Shaun Wright-Philips'i geçen sene kesfetmistim yazik oldu ona.

    Essien,Gilarhinho ve Robinho yanlis kulüplerle görüsüyorlar!

  7. #7
    Trabzonspor Kongre Üyesi

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    Alıntı #10 Muhtelif Nickli Üyeden Alıntı

    Shaun Wright-Philips'i geçen sene kesfetmistim yazik oldu ona.

    Essien,Gilarhinho ve Robinho yanlis kulüplerle görüsüyorlar!

    Osman hayrina dogru yolu göster çocuklara bi zahmet[img]smileys/smiley36.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    The Londoner - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Chelsea`nin zaten cok guclu olan defansini, Athletico Bilbao`dan Ispanyol sol bek Del Horno ile takviye ettigini ve Crespo`nun da Milan`dan geri dondugunu (kiralikti) hatirlatmakta fayda var.Crespo donunce Kezman`i Athletico Madrid`e sattilar.

    Bu sartlarda, sampiyonlar liginin en buyuk favorisi gibi gorunuyorlar.Edited by: The Londoner

  9. #9
    TheCrow - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Ya bu Wright-Phillips'i ben Yenikale Birlik'teyken de çok begeniyordum,gelecegi çok parlakti,niye sattilar ki O'nu Manchester City'ye?..

  10. #10
    The Londoner - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Italyan transfer borsasinin bu yilki en onemli ismi Gilardino`da beklenildigi gibi 5 yilligina Milan`a imza atti. Boylece, Milan Crespo ve Tomasson`un boslugunu doldurmus oldu.

    Milan`in onumuzdeki yil hucum hattiShevchenko-Gilardino ve Kaka`dan olusacak.

    (Ayrica biraz once Eurosport, Juventus`lu Appiah`in 8 Milyon Euro`ya Fenerbahce`ye imza attigini duyurdu!)Edited by: The Londoner

  11. #11
    Trabzonspor Kongre Üyesi

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    Berat - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Alıntı The Londoner Nickli Üyeden Alıntı

    Italyan transfer borsasinin bu yilki en onemli ismi Gilardino`da beklenildigi gibi 5 yilligina Milan`a imza atti. Boylece, Milan Crespo ve Tomasson`un boslugunu doldurmus oldu.

    Milan`in onumuzdeki yil hucum hattiShevchenko-Gilardino ve Kaka`dan olusacak.

    (Ayrica biraz once Eurosport, Juventus`lu Appiah`in 8 Milyon Euro`ya Fenerbahce`ye imza attigini duyurdu!)

    +Christian Vieri [img]smileys/smiley2.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    The Londoner - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Alıntı Berat Tekke Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
    Alıntı The Londoner Nickli Üyeden Alıntı

    Italyan transfer borsasinin bu yilki en onemli ismi Gilardino`da beklenildigi gibi 5 yilligina Milan`a imza atti. Boylece, Milan Crespo ve Tomasson`un boslugunu doldurmus oldu.

    Milan`in onumuzdeki yil hucum hattiShevchenko-Gilardino ve Kaka`dan olusacak.

    (Ayrica biraz once Eurosport, Juventus`lu Appiah`in 8 Milyon Euro`ya Fenerbahce`ye imza attigini duyurdu!)

    +Christian Vieri [img]smileys/smiley2.gif[/img]

    Haklisin Berat Vieri`yi alarak yedek kulubelerini guclendirdiler (Inzaghi + Vieri)[img]smileys/smiley2.gif[/img]

  13. #13
    Özkan Erdem - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Appiah fenere mi imza atmis ?

  14. #14
    Trabzonspor Kongre Üyesi

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    Berat - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Alıntı QuakeviL61 Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
    Appiah fenere mi imza atmis ?

    Evet kardes, ben de NTV de duydum..8 Milyon Euro'ya almislar..

  15. #15
    Harun-61 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Alıntı QuakeviL61 Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
    Appiah fenere mi imza atmis ?

    abartilacak kadar iyi degil, o paraya cok daha iyisini alabilirlerdi...

  16. #16

    Üyelik tarihi


    adamlar götürecek gibi mali yine...yönetim uyuma trbzona sahip çik.

  17. #17

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    Appiah'i seyrettigim kadariyla sürekliligi olan bir oyuncu degil. Zaman zaman oyuna küsüyor ve agresif hareketleri oluyor. Bazi hareketleri Tuncay'in kontrolsüz topa girisleri gibi. Ama iyi bir Appiah hem defansif anlamda hem de top yapma da takimina çok faydali olabilir.

    Tahminimce Alex'e yardimci olsun diye aldilar ama ayni yerde Aurelio da var. Yerlileri de katinca, takim içinde yer bulamayan oyuncular huzursuzluk çikarabilirler.

  18. #18
    Trabzonspor Kongre Üyesi
    selçukabi - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Alıntı The Londoner Nickli Üyeden Alıntı

    Chelsea`nin zaten cok guclu olan defansini, Athletico Bilbao`dan Ispanyol sol bek Del Horno ile takviye ettigini ve Crespo`nun da Milan`dan geri (kiralikti) hatirlatmakta fayda var.Crespo donunce Kezman`i Athletico Madrid`e sattilar.

    Bu sartlarda, sampiyonlar liginin en buyuk favorisi gibi gorunuyorlar.

    Abdullah teesüf ederim, bizden sonra demek istedin galiba[img]smileys/smiley18.gif[/img]

  19. #19
    The Londoner - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Selcuk haklisin atlamisim. Bir Trabzonspor taraftari olarak buyuk bir gaf yaptim.[img]smileys/smiley18.gif[/img]

    Zaten bahis sirketleri de sampiyonlar liginin 4 buyuk favorisi olarak Chelsea, Milan, Barcelona ve bizi gosteriyor (!)Gerci sampiyon olamasakta onemli degil. Bu sene de Avrupa`da gonullerin sampiyonu oluruz. Alisigiz nasil olsa(!!!)[img]smileys/smiley2.gif[/img]

    (Bu arada gruplara kalip, bir Ingiliz takimiyla eslesmeyi dort gozle bekliyorum. Hele Arsenal ve Chelsea gibi Londra takimlari olursa tadina doyum olmaz)[img]smileys/smiley1.gif[/img]Edited by: The Londoner

  20. #20
    #10 Fietra - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Ah Gilardinho Ah!

  21. #21
    SDanışmaz - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Alıntı #10 Muhtelif Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
    Ah Gilardinho Ah!

    Sana ne oLdu Osman [img]smileys/smiley4.gif[/img]

  22. #22
    The Londoner - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Bizim 6 yabancinin yillik toplam maliyeti bu adamlarin bir yabancisindan daha dusuk!!!


    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=center>
    <TR bgColor=#d1dbe5>
    <TD align=left>12:50</TD>
    <TD align=right>21 Temmuz 2005 / Persembe</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
    Italyan basini: Appiah yilda 2 milyon avro alacak

    Fenerbahçe'nin FC Juventus'tan transfer ettigi ve bugün TSI 14.45'te Istanbul'a ulasmasi beklenen orta alan oyuncusu Stephen Appiah'a ödeyecegi yillik maasin 2 milyon Avro olacagi ögrenildi.
    Italya'daki spor gazetelerinden Tuttosport, sali gecesi Sari-lacivertli kulüple 4+1 yillik sözlesme imzalamis olan Ganali yildiza Fenerbahçe'nin 4 yil için toplam 8 milyon Avro ödeme yapacagini yazdi.
    ''Appiah Fenerbahçe'de 4 yilda 8 milyon Avro kazanacak'' diyen Tuttosport gazetesi, iki kulüp arasinda anlasma saglanmis olmasinin Ganali oyuncunun Fenerbahçe'ye evet demek zorunda kalmasinda belirleyici bir rol oynadigini da ileri sürdü.

  23. #23
    gerçekefsane - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    <CENTER>Real Madrid, Brezilyali Robinho'yu 24 milyon avroya transfer etti... </CENTER>

    Ispanya?nin Real Madrid Kulübü, uzun zamandir görüsme yaptigi Brezilyali futbolcu Robinho?nun transferini 24 milyon avroya sonuçlandirdi.
    Ispanyol Devlet Radyosu RNE?de duyurulan haberde, Real Madrid?in 24 milyon avro karsiliginda Robinho?yu, kulübü Santos?tan transfer
    ettigi bildirildi.
    21 yasindaki genç futbolcunun, Real Madrid Kulübü doktoru Alfonso
    del Corral esliginde Brezilya?da özel bir klinikte saglik kontrolünden geçtigi ve onay aldigi belirtildi. Radyonun verdigi bilgilerde, transferde geçen 24 milyon avronun yarisinin Rubinho?nun kulübü Santos?a verilecegi kaydedildi. 2008 yilina kadar Santos ile sözlesmesi bulunan Brezilyali futbolcu, transfer görüsmelerinin sürmesi nedeniyle 1 Temmuz tarihinden bu yana takimdaki çalismalara katilmiyordu. Ronaldo, Brezilya Milli Takimi?ndan sonra ayni kulüpte oynayacagi Robinho ile ilgili yaptigi açiklamada "Real Madrid?de Robinho ile oynayarak çok daha fazla eglenecegiz. Geldiginde hiçbir uyum sorunu yasamayacak" dedi. Öte yandan, Brezilyali genç yildiz Robinho?nun önümüzdeki hafta Madrid?e gelerek resmi imzayi atmasi bekleniyor

  24. #24

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    bence yilin transferinimadrid yapti robinhio

    tek geçerim.

  25. #25
    The Londoner - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Robinho ve Brezilya futbolu uzerine (biraz uzun ama) ilginc bir makale...

    .................................................. .......... ......

    The phrase "the new Pelé" to describe the latest Brazilian football prodigy is a cliché so overused you could make a team of them every year. The country churns out so many great footballers that almost every top club in Europe has one on its books. Yet in 1999 Pelé made the comment himself. The veteran footballer had returned to Santos FC, his former club, to supervise its junior levels. On his first day in the job he singled out a 15-year-old called Robinho.

    Midway through the training session, Pelé walked up to the boy and told him that he reminded him of himself as a youngster. Physically they were identical - black, skinny-bordering-on-malnourished and with disconcertingly similar, cheeky smiles. Pelé added that watching Robinho almost made him cry. The teenager controlled the ball with a precocious skill. Believing that his role was to give emotional - as well as sporting - guidance, Pelé asked him to bring his father along to the next session. He was worried that Robinho's underprivileged upbringing may prejudice his development, Gilvan de Souza, a sewage maintenance worker, arrived with his son the following week. Pelé welcomed them both like old friends and asked De Souza about his son's behaviour at home and school. "He said he was going to make a special effort with Robinho," De Souza, somewhat overawed by the media interest, told me at the time. "He said he wanted to go to my house too. He didn't arrange a time but whenever he turns up he's invited."

    Pelé never did show up at the De Souza's tiny home in São Vicente, the neighbouring city to Santos, where mother, father and son slept in the same room. Pelé didn?t last long in charge of the club's junior levels either. His business commitments - he runs a sports events and marketing company and advertises several products including Viagra - made it impossible for him to devote the necessary time. Yet in his brief tenure the world's greatest footballer had seen gold ? his protégé was to fulfil his promise quite spectacularly.

    Three years later Robinho, aged 18, made his debut in the Santos first team. Together with teammate Diego, aged 17, they were the stars of the season. The pair led Santos to the final of the the 2002 Brazilian national championship. I remember watching the match on TV. Diego showed great insight as a creative midfielder, but Robinho stole the show. He was performing the most beautiful dribbles and wrongfooting experienced defenders with almost insulting ease. His trick was the "pedalada" - when the feet dummy round the ball as if he pedalling above it. Robinho's slight frame moved fast, swinging in musical syncapation. It was a playful, unmistakeably Brazilian style and reminiscent of the country's greatest ever dribbler, Garrincha. Newspapers called him a genius - a talent that only occurs once a generation. For the first time since Pelé's era, Santos were national champions and Robinho was voted best striker in Brazil. He had stepped into Pelé's boots and found that they fitted very comfortably indeed.

    Brazil is the world's largest producer of beef, sugar, coffee - and professional footballers. There are 12,000 in Brazil and thousands more who play for clubs around the world. It is partly Pelé's fault. He helped Brazil win its first three World Cups and establish the country as the game's spiritual home. Young people everywhere yearn to be footballers - but the dream is perhaps strongest in Brazil, where skill at football is one of the most important aspects of national identity.

    Brazil is also a world leader in inequality. While its middle class earn salaries comparable to those in Europe, the poorest forty per cent get by on less than £30 a month. For millions of Brazilians the chance of becoming a footballer is one of the only paths out of poverty - the others are crime and selling drugs. Such was the case with Robson de Souza, born on January 25, 1984, in Parque Bitaru, one of the the most deprived areas of São Vicente.

    Robson was a scrawny kid. With no money for a bike or other toys he spent all his time kicking a football on the street outside his home and playing with a paper kite. His tininess was accentuated by the fact that he ran rings around older kids, and he quickly gained the diminutive nickname Robinho.

    Pelé was right to have worried about the boy's health. He lived on a diet of rice and eggs, although often didn?t bother to go home for meals. The first time he ate three square meals a day was when - on Pelé's insistence - he moved to live in Santos FC's lodgings for young players. Pelé, who grew up in the interior of São Paulo state, also moved to live in the club aged 15. Santos has spaces for up to 90 aspiring teenagers, who sleep in small dorms in the stadium building. As well as being fed properly, 'boarders' are given a structured routine and kept out of trouble.

    Now Robinho earns about £300,000 a year from his footballer's salary and a personal sponsorship deal with Nike. He drives an imported Audi A3 and rents a flat with his parents in Santos' poshest neighborhood. His wealth is a fraction of the seven-figure sums earnt by top British players, but his rags-to-riches tale represents a greater journey because of the vaster chasm in Brazil between haves and have nots - and the fiercer competition.

    Robinho plays football like he's having fun, teasing defenders with his flamboyant talent. Off the pitch he is also exuberant and uninhibited. He giggles a lot and likes to fool about. One day last month he drove with me back to Parque Bitaru to meet his old friends. The area is a typical lower-working class neighborhood - a grid of cobbled streets lined with simple one-storey homes and the occasional cheap car. The place was empty when we arrived and silent in the 30C midday sun.

    I asked him first about the day Pelé picked him out. "I never thought I'd meet the King of football at that stage," he replied. "He praised me and gave me some advice. He said that if I had humility and calmness I stood a very good chance of becoming a pro." Where did Robinho learn to dribble so well? "All Brazilians are born with ginga," he said referring to the musical way Brazilians move their bodies. Did he develop his own dribbles? "You can't invent a new dribble," he answered. "Everything is a copy of something else."

    Robinho is still so thin he seems to bend in the wind. We walked to at the end of his old street, where there is a bar with a makeshift wooden lean-to and a corrugated iron roof. Among the young men sitting in the shade was Felipe, aged 17, who seemed hopeful that he would become a footballer too. He had gone to a trial at Santos - but, like most who go, didn't get called back. I would later be told that of the 10,000 local kids who have attended public trials at Santos I the last four years, only one was taken on.

    Sitting in a plastic chair a man with a tanned arm brandishing a Santos tattoo opened a cold beer. Fábio was 12 when Robinho was six and already showing his gift. Fábio persuaded him to go for a test at Beira-Mar, a local indoor football club. "His mum and dad were against it at first," said Fábio, who is now earns £30 a week as a bus conductor. I turned to Robinho to ask why. "Wouldn't you be?" he joked immediately. "This guy's got a face like a drug dealer!"

    Robinho was taken on by Beira-Mar, which is a 'escolinha', or out-of-school club that produces competitive teams for local junior leagues. While it is romantic to think that Brazilians learn their skills from improvising barefeet on the streets and beaches, in reality football is highly institutionalised from as soon as boys can walk. Escolinhas often have a category called 'baby's dummy' for three to fives. Robinho played for Beira-Mar's 'milk bottle' category for six-year-olds. In his first year the club were local champions.

    Another surprising fact about Brazilian football is that few children ever play it - grass is difficult to maintain in a tropical country and unplanned urban development means cities have little space for full-sized pitches. At clubs like Beira-Mar, kids grow up playing 'futebol de salão', or futsal, which is football played on a basketball court with a small, unbouncy ball.

    Robinho says that his agility comes from futsal. It's much faster than regular football, and with less space to move in children are forced to develop close-body ball skills like dribbling. Futsal also launched great players like Zico and Ronaldo. Beira-Mar is in the commerical centre of São Vicente, a cluttered centre of small blocks encircled by a one-way traffic system. When I arrived children were already playing futsal in the club's hangar-like hall. Coordinator Adroaldo Ricardo remembered the day Robinho showed up. "The first time he got the ball we realised that he was different from the others. He would make these spectacular moves." Robinho was taken on and excused from paying the £5 monthly fee. He couldn't even afford the 10p bus fare, which was paid by one of his neighbours. Ricardo added: "His mother used to always say to me - "this one has to be a footballer. He will save the family."

    Brazil is like a factory of footballers and escolinhas like Beira-Mar the lowest cog in the machine. By the time the footballers are in their early teens, agents are turning up at matches and trying to sign up the best ones. It is common for opportunistic agents to take boys as young as 14 to Europe. "They get paid their flights and food," Ricardo told me. "But's a shot in the dark and most don't make it." Some are left there penniless and left to fend for themselves.

    Even the ones who do achieve their dream of turning pro are unlikely to make a proper living out of it. More than 80 per cent of footballers in Brazil earn less than £100 a month. Players will travel anywhere to make money - Brazilians are plying their trade not just in Euope's glamour leagues in sporting backwaters like the Faroe Islands, Singapore and Kazakhstan. Three of Robinho's colleagues from Beira-mar ended up in Guatemala, a poorer country than Brazil.

    Robinho avoided the pitfalls of poor Brazilian youth - drugs, delinquency - and made his way up the football food chain. Aged nine he transferred to a better escolinha, Portuários, and aged 12 he was signed to play futebol de salão for Santos. Only aged 14 did he started to play football on grass. A year later he was spotted by Pelé and moved to live at the club. Three years after that he was in the Santos first team.

    After Santos won the 2002 Brazilian championship it seemed that Robinho could do no wrong. In one game in Colombia, against América de Cali in the Libertadores Cup, he performed a move of such dexterity that the opposing fans gave him a standing ovation. His rise was meteoric and in April last year he received his first call-up for the national squad. His dream now is for a transfer to Europe. He'd prefer Barcelona, a team with a history of launching Brazilians, especially ones beginning with R: Romário, Ronaldo, Rivaldo are alumni and Ronaldinho is its current star.

    In another era Robinho might have been snapped up by a European side already, but after the 2002 championship victory Santos renegotiated his contract to include a reported price-tag of £25million if he leaves before 2007. It was bad timing - the bottom fell out of the transfer market and a European club has not paid that amount for a player in two years. Robinho, in any case, is happy at Santos. There is less money in Brazilian football than in Europe, but the top players like him still earn very well. According to his agent Wagner Ribeiro, Robinho no rush to leave. With itchier feet is Diego, his colleage and best friend, who has been linked with a move to Tottenham Hotspur.

    There is also a feeling among sports fans that Robinho is not yet ready for Europe. He may be able to dribble past any defender, but for a striker he is not an accomplished finisher and hardly ever scores with his head. He is also inconsistent. Last year went through four months without scoring a single goal. His nadir came in August when he was blamed for the Brazil under-23 side's failure to qualify for the Olympic games. The Olympic gold is a title that Brazil takes seriously and the elimination from the regional qualifying tournament was considered a national embarrassment.

    I asked Santos' club psychologist, Sonia Roman, if it was common for Brazilians to fail to cope with the pressures of stardom. Isn't the change from Third World poverty to outrageous wealth - which happened, for Robinho, over a period of less than a year - completely destablising? She disagreed: "It is so difficult in Brazil just to get into to a professional club that only the ones who are emotionally stable get this far. If you succeed through the pressure of the junior levels you have already proved you can handle it." As for Robinho, she said he was: "always very relaxed and took everything in good humour. He always knew he was very good."

    Robinho's equilibrium has been helped by a remarkably cool-headed family. His father Gilvan, whose first job was as a shoe-shine boy, has chosen to carry on with his manual job maintaining Santos's sewage pipes. "I wouldn?t know what to do with myself if I didn?t work. And I like getting up early." Only his mother, Marina, has taken the liberty to give up her job as a cleaner.

    Gradually Robinho's confidence has returned. He ended last season, in December, applauded by the press and scoring goals again. Last month I saw Robinho play a match at Santos' historic Vila Belmiro stadium. In the crowd replica Robinho shirts outnumbered those of any other player. He ran onto the pitch first, hand in hand with the game's mascot. Once the game started the loudest cheers from the crowd came from his dribbles; short darting runs of divine skill where he would speed past defenders with the ball apparently stuck to his foot.

    In the closing minutes the opposing team conceded a penalty. The crowd began to chant "Ro-bi-nho" and he answered their shouts by picked up the ball to take it. He shot it calmly into the left of the net.

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